Tiffany Rider, a resident of Charleroi, Pennsylvania, and an alumna of Uniontown Area Senior High School has tragically passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. She was announced dead through a social media publication that read “A little reminder. You never know when you will lose someone forever. Rest in peace Tiffany Rider Lost in the car wreck last night, So sorry for your loss.”
What happened to Tiffany Rider?
This week, a head-on collision in Fallowfield Township claimed the life of a Uniontown lady. Tiffany Rider, 36, was the casualty of Tuesday’s collision, according to Washington County Coroner Timothy Warco. Rider was a passenger in the front seat of a car travelling east on Old 71. Around 8:45 p.m., a westbound car crossed the centerline, causing the collision. Warco said that Rider was not using a seat belt.
State police reported that several individuals were transported to nearby hospitals via ambulance and helicopter. No more details about the collision or the identity of the two drivers have been made public by the police. In addition to Brownsville, Tri-Community, and Rostraver EMS, the Fallowfield Township Fire Department also responded to the incident.